Information & Links

A page with what I hope you will find useful: – organisations, cafe and just other bits

Jim & Lola, Roseberry Topping

Helpful information

Cleveland Way                                                    
Coast to Coast Path                                           
Coast to Coast Path                                          

Ordnance Survey                                                   

Nearly Wild Camping                                          

North York Moors National Park                            01439 772700
Silva Compasses                                                                          01506 901865
The British Mountaineering Council  (BMC),                       0161 445 6111
The Youth Hostel Association (YHA),                                         01629 592700
Yorkshire Dales National Park                                   0300 456 0030


Stepping Stones, Malham

Tim Cain MBE, MedicREC Outdoor First Aid Course (16 hours) – North Yorkshire.
The trainer is a member of the Swaledale Mountain Rescue team, and the courses are the best. In my opinion you would need a good basic knowledge of first aid, before attending one of these courses, as they are quite intense, but for anyone leading groups or doing their Mountain Leaders Certificate, absolutely vital.

Mountain Leader Training
This qualification is aimed at people who wish to lead groups walking in the uplands of the UK, however, I can’t recommend it enough for anyone, who wants to learn the skills for being safe in the mountains. Your navigation skills are paramount! You are required to register. Then prior to taking part in the 6 days training session, you need to have completed 20 quality mountain days.
After the training and before the 5 days assessment, you need to have completed at least 40 quality mountain days, including some of those days wild camping. All the requirements and information can be found in the link.

Help with mental health & addiction. So many people need help, and being in the countryside, can help. If you need more support try the link.,

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