Map Skills - Moors and Dales, Navigation Courses

North York Moors & Yorkshire Dales

One day navigation courses, in North Yorkshire, where you will learn to navigate with a map and compass.

Our map reading courses are based on the North York Moors or Yorkshire Dales
Be able to navigate, safely and easily by using simple to use and easily remembered techniques.

Basic to advanced navigation courses available
Choose from various locations .

 The courses are both fun & informative. Relax you will be in safe hands.

Book on one of our varied one day navigation courses, which can be adapted to suit your skill level 

and experience, based on the North York Moors  or Yorkshire Dales.
1 Day Navigation Course – Basic Map Skills Training
1 Day Navigation Course -Advanced Map Skills Training

On these courses you will learn the techniques, knowledge & skills 

to allow you to locate yourself on the map & follow a route with confidence.

Navigation Course - Basic Course, North Yorkshire
Basic Navigation Course, North Yorkshire - map reading skills
Hawnby Crag - North York Moors
Use a map to find your location - cairn / spot height
The Wainstones, Cleveland Way / Coast2Coast
Learn to navigate, find new places to explore.
Navigation Course - North York Moors
Navigation skill - counting double paces in a 100 metres

Navigation Courses

One Day Basic Course

The one day Basic Navigation Course is for those who wish to learn to navigate with a map and compass, safely in the outdoors, especially in upland and remote areas. Aimed at the complete beginner or those with limited experience of navigating using a map and compass. Discover about : - scale, bearings, map reference , contours, timing & pacing. How to use a compass. After completing this course you should be able to locate yourself within a 100 metre square or a 6 figure grid reference. The basic one day course costs £89 as a one to one course. If booked as group booking, discounts are available, up to a maximum of 4 persons.

What you will receive

After booking the course, you will be sent via email a pre-course training manual, as a pdf file for you to download and read or print off.

By reading this manual it will give you the basics of understanding map & compass navigation.
We will cover this again, more comprehensively in person, prior to starting navigating course. 

You will also be sent joining instructions, including a kit list, that it is advisable to bring with you.

At the end of the course you will receive a laminated booklet, that contains a reminder of all you have learnt during the day, plus useful tables of information etc.

One Day Advanced Course

For those who have already completed the basic course and wish to progress. Or for people who have already have the knowledge and experience of using a map & compass and want to learn more.
Micro-navigation, aiming off, attack points, dog legging, aspects of slope, etc. More precise navigation practice. After this course you will be able to locate yourself with 10 square metres or an 8 figure grid reference.
The advanced one day course costs £89 as a one to one course. If booked as group booking, discounts are available, up to a maximum of 4 persons.

The easiest way to book a course is for you to see what dates are available, by using the button above.
You can then book the course you require with the number of people you wish to book on the course, a maximum of four persons.
Discounts applied for groups booked at the same time 20%, 30% & 40%, for 2, 3 or 4 persons.
I will then contact you via email or phone to confirm the booking and send a payment link via email.
Or, just email, phone or text me. 

“We learnt so much, during the day, far more than we expected. Jim was able to answer all those questions that video's & book can't.”

Father & Daughter map skills

The Masterman’s

  • Understanding map scale : 1:25,000 / 1:50,000 / 1:40,000
  • Map legend/symbols, what they mean.
  • Obtaining a grid reference. Grid lines.
  • Contours, how to interpret:- features & steepness
  • Using a compass, the various parts.
  • The difference between:- True North, Grid North & Magnetic North.
  • Setting the map with & without using a compass
  • Taking a bearing / back bearing.
  • Magnetic variation. 
  • Timing, pacing & Naismith’s rule
  • Access rights
  • Leave no trace